The results clearly indicated that acquisition practice with variations of the criterion task leads to better retention than practice on the criterion task alone. Guided by this principle, we endeavored to determine whether ubiquitous age-related deficits in associative memory are restricted to specific representations or extend to the gist of associations. This paper contrasts these two positions in two experiments aimed at determining the influence of providing variable and/or specific acquisition experiences on the retention of a force production task. Long-term potentiation (LTP) is the collective name for synaptic plasticity processes in which brief (less than one second) episodes of intense synaptic activity lead to an enhancement of synaptic efficacy lasting hours to weeks, or longer.

#Specificity principle vs acciciative trial#
When target words were accompanied on the study trial by weakly associated cue words, recall was better when the same cues or strongly associated cue words were present on the recall test than when no cue words were present. Stimulus specificity Habituation is stimulus-specific-if you change the stimulus, see recovery of the response Sensitization is not highly stimulus-specific -if an animal is aroused, it is usually aroused to a variety of cues. Overview: Cooperativity and Associativity. On the other hand, the variability of practice hypothesis derived from schema theory proposes that experiences with task variations are vital to the development of the memories (schemata) responsible for response production and learning. Studied cued recall in 18 12-yr-old English children. Explain the meaning of the term practice variability and its relation to predictions of theories of motor skill learning. Efficacy is the invivo potency the maximum response achieved from a drug (1-3,5).The interaction (e.g. After completing this chapter, you will be able to. Potency describes the relationship between the drug dose and the magnitude of the effect (1-5).High potency induces a strong effect with a low drug dose. The specificity of learning principle proposes that motor skills are specific and only superficially resemble other similar skills or variations of the same skill. Concept: Variability of practice experiences is important for learning motor skills.